Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Simple Tip #5

Simple Tip #5: Recycling your Food

This tip isn't so much about living simple by donating what you've used and no longer need, but donating what you really have NEVER used.

I'm sure that everyone has been guilty at least once of filling their pantries with canned food, cake mixes, and other things that last forever. And I'm sure everyone at least once has been guilty of forgetting they had them there and never eat them. I know I have.

Well, sometimes the expiration dates pass because you've had something in there for years, and other times, the expiration date isn't for another couple years. Well, obviously you have to throw out the bad food, because you can never be too sure how good or bad it is, and its better not to experiment on your family or others. However, if you don't intend on eating something or you've bought way to much of something (like salsa or canned fruit), why not donate that?

There are a lot of great food banks and other services around L.A. that would gladly take that food and give it to the needy. So, why not go through your pantry every six months and decide what food you still want to eat (and will hopefully do so soon) and what food can be donated to the needy.

In a way, this is simple living, because contributing to the community always makes you feel simply wonderful.

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